Newdreamers is the Movement that drives the world we all want to live in. It is also a Community for those entrepreneurs and branding professionals who have not lost their ability to dream.
Because, let’s face it, we live in a world that is not the one we aspire to. It is full of injustice, inequality, misery, racial segregation, despoliation of resources, ignorance, hate, endemic corruption … And if that were not enough, we are threatened with extinction by environmental collapse. We have seen it dying for a long time and the new one, that is almost ready, is not yet born. So we’ve decided to push a little bit.
Not because we are not aware of the magnitude of the catastrophe that we have become our common home, but because experience shows us again and again how human beings can also be massive. Especially in critical moments. Like now.
To move forward as a society, let us forget pessimism, despair, and the vision of a dystopian future. To paraphrase Eleanor Rosevelt, let’s believe in the beauty of our dreams. As a human species, we have an obligation to future generations to get things done. To leave a better legacy. Each one from what they know how to do. We, from entrepreneurship and branding. We want to discover the essence, bring it to life, and activate change.
Newdreamers is plural and an inclusive initiative. All entrepreneurs fit into it even if we are not within the box “social entrepreneurship”. Being social and activist is no longer optional. It is also for all branding professionals, researchers, analysts, strategists, namers, and all kinds of creatives.
And to make public our commitment, we have written a Manifesto based on three values that we want to share with you: humility, empathy, and curiosity. We want to activate the collective mind and unblock the brakes that prevent us from achieving our best utopia, which, in Galeano’s words, is on the horizon and allows us to walk.
Newdreamers is born from the reflections and questions that arose in the event “The world in which we all want to live” that we celebrated last May 7th and you can see here.
We know we can’t get very far on our own. We need people to inspire and people to promote to start building the community. As if it were a series, the Inspirers will share with us their way of seeing the world and will create the framework of each chapter understood as a space for dialogue based on a question that incites us to dream, What if?… The Promoters will have the freedom to propose and carry out all kinds of activities that promote our philosophy and make it reach the boundaries of the earth.
Newdreamers is a collective project in its dna.
We need you and you need us to first dream without limit and then make it come to reality.
For we wish to open all the windows of opportunity that are emerging in the new world that is on its way.
The support of a large community of dreamers is here for you
Inspirers and Promoters of Newdreamers. Together we are creating the new reality. We can't think of a better destiny! :)